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Hey guys! I played it and it looks very pretty. Very "chillout game".

I want there to be more aspects to my choice of placement that allow me to plan a little more.

Maybe Landmarks and Monsters give proximity bonuses to each other when placed within a certain distance so you're encouraged to leave room for them and make dense little islands. 

Perhaps we could see the cards being added to the deck when we place a landmark so that when we draw them there's that mental link of "Oh! I have this because of that landmark I placed! My actions increased my options." I wasn't sure but I felt like I only got monsters after placing related landmarks so making that connection explicit would feel like I was picking my landmarks with more purpose beyond the direct point gain of placing them.

It reminds me a bit of Godus, where you clear land around certain buildings to encourage the expansion of those buildings to meet the needs of your people.

Thanks for checking out the game and taking the time to write up some feedback! I'll pass this along to the rest of the team


This is so much fun! One major problem: When your score earns you a new monster card AND a special city or grain tile appears at the same time the game gets stuck in limbo and you have to close the game and restart.

Glad you enjoyed the game! Thanks for the heads-up on the bug, I will let the team know :) 

(1 edit) (+2)

I don't usually play games like this because I tend to get a little too addicted, but I loved the art style (reminded me a little bit of Warcraft 3!), so I had to give it a try! I got a little too sucked in, and ended up playing MUUUUCH longer than anticipated. It's a chill little world builder where "Number go Big!" but you gotta be smart about it! Number can't go big EVERY time! 

I can't wait for the Steam release, and I'll definitely be playing it way too much when it comes out! Thank you for this fantastic game! Part 3 of the video.